I have never felt more like a pioneer than now,
as I turn my back on my “pioneer heritage”
as I once called it
I came from a certain stock,
centuries of faithful believers
courageous ones,
a “peculiar people,” and proud of it
indeed I felt peculiar
and I could not bring myself to take pride in it
to take pride in such beliefs, such practices
that excluded and dismissed
that hurt so much
I have never felt more like a pioneer than now,
choosing to walk the hard path
choosing to carry a new load
to be a courageous one
to be peculiar in the eyes of the people I love
I once sang with the others that it wasn’t about handcarts
and crossing the plains, but that
“you do have to have great courage,
faith to conquer fear,
and work with might for a cause that’s right
to be a pioneer”
I have never felt more like a pioneer than now,
remembering all I sang, all I read, all I saw
all I felt, all I did, all I was
in the life I lived before;
to remember it all, to see the value
to feel the pain
and to choose to do things differently.
to choose to be a different person than you were,
that is what it means to be a pioneer.
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